Aug 03, 2012 covey tells us that in life our circle of influence is most often smaller than the circle of concern. Stephen covey, in the seven habits of highly effective people, introduces the concept of circle of concern and circle of influence. In my next article, we investigate how one can decrease their circle of concern, and increase their circle of influence in the fishing world. Within that circle of concern, there is a smaller circle. You might want to fill in several of these circles. Circle of concern and circle of influence adapted from the seven habits of highly effective people by stephen r. Circle of influence circle of concern a circle of concern encompasses the wide range of concerns we have, such as our health, our children, problems at work, the amount of government borrowing, or the threat of war. The 7 habits of highly effective people, by stephen r. Within the circle of concern lies the circle of control. Stephen covey circle of influence talent in ontwikkeling. The circle of concern vs the circle of influence i got this idea from one of my favorite books, the 7 habits of highly effective people by stephen r. Covey tells us that in life our circle of influence is most often smaller than the circle of concern. Oct 07, 20 expanding circle of influence you know, if enough people really think about these ideas and engage with each other, we might be able to make some real progress enough positive feedback and continual effort in the circle of influence and slowly small dents are being made in the circle of concern.
Your circle of concern is a big circle that contains everything you are worried or concerned about at the moment. Circle of influence from the 7 habits of highly effective people. Stephen coveys circle of concern and circle of influence in his book the 7 habits of highly effective people 1989 covey distinguishes between proactive people who focus on what they can do and can influence and reactive people who focus their energy on things beyond their control. We undercut our power and mistakenly place things outside our circle of influence. For a full day, listen to your language and to the language of the people around you. Circle of influence vs circle of concern bulacanliving.
Write into the circle of concern the most important barriers to making your career contribution happen. Application this technique is good for separating out lower from higher priorities, and gaining ownership for action. The size of our circle of influence vs circle of concern depends on what choices we make. Aug 31, 2017 in this webinar, patrick lencioni and matthew rudolph address the challenging dynamics between the circle of concern and the circle of influence that pastors and parish leaders face every day. Circle of influence what is it and why you should know about it. Your circle of influence expands or contracts according to your focus. Circle of influence circle of concern we could identify those concerns with which we experience some control as belonging to a separate group described as our circle of influence. I have influence today and can grade all those papers in front of me perhaps, ill grade 34 a day so it isnt overwhelming. David rynick lives, writes, coaches, and practices zen in worcester, ma with his wife melissa myozen blacker, roshi. Next, each group takes out the circles of influence page worksheet ii and discusses which of the items from the first worksheet circle of concern are things that the target would have control over. Circle of influence tool this tool will help you overcome the barriers to getting the job and career you want.
We could separate those from things in which we have no particular mental or emotional involvement by. Reactive people maintain an attitude of victimisation and blame. The circle of concern is the things that you care about, spend time reading about, worrying about or stressing about but have no control over. Because of position, wealth, role, or relationships, there are some circumstances in which a persons circle of influence is larger than his or her circle of concern. Circle of influence and circle of concern for teachers. Circle of concern and influence not 303 andi roberts. Reactive people, on the other hand, focus their efforts in the circle of concern. His book is now marked up and reread and often gives me a lump in my throat. Coveys circles of influence stephen coveys circle of concern and circle of influence in his book the 7 habits of highly effective people 1989 covey distinguishes between proactive people who focus on what they can do and can influence and reactive people who focus their energy on things beyond their control. Create your own circle of concern and circle of influence.
It is those items that i can directly affect today. Its like that old saying, everybodys talking about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it. Are you proactive or reactive circle of influence vs circle of concern stephen covey 7 habits. Its all those problems, goals and issues in your business that you can actually do something about. How often do you use and hear reactive phrases such as if only, i cant, or i have to. I have influence today over how i market our condo and need to come up with. Proactive people focus their efforts on their circle of influence. Focusing on your circle of influence increases your circle of influence. What stephen covey taught me the circle of influence.
Another excellent way to become more selfaware regarding our own degree of proactivity is to look at where we focus our time and energy. Stephen coveys circle of concern and circle of influence the dp. In, the seven habits of highly effective people, steven covey discusses the circle of control, circle of influence and circle of concern. Now, go back to some of the open examples that would fall into the circle of influence. The things in the circle of influence are things that you actual have the ability to influence. Here, i look at the circle of influence model and how it can assist you. Circle of influence circle of concern derek sivers.
Circle of control how reactive people act how proactive people act large circle of concem and a small circle small circle of concern and a large circle of control. Circles of influence a workshop idea blogcampaigning. Circle of influence circle of control brad giles evolution partners 2. But if the concern does not overlap with your circle of influence, the only logical response is to either accept it or work to grow your circle of influence over time. I realized that the first thing i could influence was where my focus was trained. Within your circle of control you have much more autonomy and have less need to win others over to your plan. Think of all of the events or situations in your life that concern you. At some point in time most athletes have been or should be exposed to the control and influence model also known as the circle of concern and circle of influence. A circle of influence encompasses those concerns that we can do. This situation reflects on a selfinflicted emotional myopia another reactive selfish lifestyle focused in the circle of concern. Of course, there will still be other things in your larger circle of concern. It would be far easier if i had a video podcast because i would have a flip chart at this point and be drawing circles on them, so please just use your imagination for now. The yolk is contained within the larger circle of the egg white is our circle of concern.
Circle of concern we all have a wide range of concerns our health, family, work, global issues. The circles of control, influence and concern talkingabout. However, by its nature the circle of concern will always contain many things outside of a persons influence or control. Think of how you can increase your circle of influence in the field of education and write this as a goal for the. Mar 19, 2018 focusing on your circle of influence increases your circle of influence. Now, go back to some of the open examples that would fall into the circle of. Getting unstuck your circle of influence frank lio. We each have a wide range of concerns our health, our children, problems at work, the national debt, nuclear war. Sep 22, 2015 the circle of concern vs the circle of influence i got this idea from one of my favorite books, the 7 habits of highly effective people by stephen r. The circles of concern and influence offers a powerful mental model because it captures in a simple diagram a truth that stoic philosophers wrote about thousands of years ago and cognitive psychologists have tested in labs and clinics for the past few decades. Mar 01, 2018 circle of influence, circle of concern. The circle of concern is the area that we have no control over. Between stimulus and response there is a space in that space is our power to choose our response.
They are both resident teachers at boundless way zen temple, where he is also abbot. The circle of concern and influence habits for wellbeing. Reactive people focus their efforts in the circle of concern things over which they have little or no control. I have influence today and can grade all those papers in. This provides a good framework from which to view issues as you look for improvement strategies. A circle of influence encompasses those concerns that we can do something about. It is imperative to know that we always have a choice whether to use our energy or lose it.
Circle of influencecircle of concern suzi mcalpine. These people worry about things they cannot control, such as the weather next weekend or war in the middle east. Be proactive is particularly useful when you feel powerless against lifes. Circle of concerncircle of influence cambridge college. Fundamentally, outside of being wellinformed on these issues that concern you, your time would be much better spent focusing on the issues that lie directly within your circle of influence. Circle of influence and circle of concern for teachers the. The moral circle is the boundary drawn around those entities in the world deemed worthy of moral consideration. Personally, i would add the circle of control within the circle of concern and circle of influence, so it just makes it clearer to article the power of choice. Centre for confidence and wellbeing there are so many things that concern us on a daily basis, and it differs for everyone. In this webinar, patrick lencioni and matthew rudolph address the challenging dynamics between the circle of concern and the circle of influence that pastors and parish leaders face every day. May 30, 2017 circle of concern and circle of influence credit. The circles represent the two areas where you can focus your time and energy. The following is an explanation of the diagram from steven coveys book 7 habits of highly effective people. Coveys simple assertion is that whichever part of the circle we spend time in will grow.
This is what steven covey the author of the 7 habits of highly effective people calls the circle of concern vs. Books worth reading, roots music, the times we live in, and whatever else tickles my fancy. The book goes on to show its readers how to be proactive and. Aug 04, 2018 are you proactive or reactive circle of influence vs circle of concern stephen covey 7 habits. All of us have a wide range of concerns in our lives the economy, friends and family, the environment, the kardashians, etc. They are things that you have control over changing. Recently dashofy hit usa todays best sellers list and i wanted you to know about her zoe chambers series. Circle of concern circle of influence another excellent. Your circle of concern, on the other hand, holds all those issues that you spend time worrying, talking and thinking about, but not taking effective action on because you cannot. Reactive people focus their efforts in the circle of concernthings over which they have little or no control. Circle of concern circle of influence another excellent way. Apr 18, 20 the model of circle of influence versus the circle of concern gac filpaj is a wonderful example of stephen coveys circle of influence versus circle of concern.
As you focus on things within your circle of influence, it will expand. The key concept for me here, is the circle of concern and influence, and this concept has had a significant impact on me, since i bought the book back in 1994. Within the circle of concern is everything that might affect you and your business. This video is from an on demand course in franklincoveys all access pass learn how the all access pass allows you to expand your reach, achieve your business objectives, and sustainably impact performance. The model of circle of influence versus the circle of concern gac filpaj is a wonderful example of stephen coveys circle of influence versus circle of concern. The problems with coveys circles of concern and influence. Those that dont fit in there go in the outer circle. The circle or area of concern is where people spend their time worrying about things they cannot in fact address or change. To learn more about how you can increase your fishing or life skills check out one of my books, enjoying life on the indian river lagoon coast or catching made easy.
May 16, 2016 the circle of influence proaction development cic. I wanted to share stephen coveys concept of circle of concern and circle of influence with my friends on facebook, especially during this difficult time of the corona virus. During this webinar, youll also hear from pastors who have experienced success in their ministry by initially focusing their efforts on their internal team and creating a supportive environment of. Circle of influence and control by stephen covey helps you look at your concerns, to get more power over things that feel out of your control. Im not one of these people who stands by absolutely everything in that book, but there is one thing that i.
The top 9 ideas from the book the 7 habits of highly. Today, i do have influence over how i treat and interact with lil o. The human tendency to draw boundaries is pervasive. Pastor louie explains where we have the most power, health and success. The circle of concern includes the wide range of concerns you have in your work and life including health, family, finances, national debt etc. The energy focused on the circle of concern is negative. For example, most people have an interest in the weather and its impact on their daily life. Sep 09, 2019 circle of influence, circle of concern niall doherty founder and lead editor at ebiz facts when building an online business, theres a diagram in steven coveys book, the 7 habits of highly effective people, that you should keep in mind. As we react, we tend to focus on the circle of concern, which depletes our energy, because we have no control over it. The vast majority of people focus too much time and energy outside of their circle of influence, which is. Three studies demonstrate that the size of the moral circle is influenced by a decision framing effect. Preoccupying yourself with issues like that is a huge waste of time and energy.
A lot of time and energy is focused reacting to issues that they cant control. They focus on the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no. Circle of concern no concern circle of concern no concern circle of influence circle. Circle of influence curious cat management improvement blog. Theres a great metaphor in the book the seven habits of highly effective people. In the book the 7 habits of highly effective people, stephen r. In his book the 7 habits of highly effective people 1989 covey distinguishes between proactive people who focus on what they can do and can influence.